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Cool Brown Hair Dye Henna for Hair

Cool Brown Henna Hair Dye

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Product Code: CLBRU_01
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Henna for Hair Cool Brunette Kit:

Cool Brown Henna Hair Color- All Natural Henna

If you are allergic to chemical hair dye or have been advised by your physician to not use chemical hair dye, you should be able to use Ancient Sunrise® henna, indigo, and other Ancient Sunrise® products safely.

Our Ancient Sunrise Henna for Hair Cool Brown Kit dyes gray and light hair a rich, cool, medium brown shade. Medium to dark hair will be a dark rich brunette. If you have graying hair, the grays will blend as cool medium brown highlights.

If you would like to test this kit on your hair, we recommend you buy the sample kit, which contains enough powder to try on hair harvested from your hairbrush, or a small section of roots on your head.

Ancient Sunrise Henna for Hair Kits work on chemically treated hair! You may need additional applications for your desired result, depending on how damaged your hair is from previous products.

*Individual results may vary. Please contact customer service if you have questions or need assistance with any of our products. This kit provides enough products to cover hair that extends to the top of the shoulders. For best results, use Ancient Sunrise® Rainwash prior to application.

Find full size kit instructions here: https://www.mehandi.com/kb_results.asp?ID=39
Find sample kit instructions here:

  • Amla powder helps the outcome be less red
  • Permanent hair dye
  • Natural and eco friendly
  • Cruelty free
  • Vegan friendly hair dye
  • The Full Sized Kit contains:(click on the texts below for more information on each product)

    • One full sized kit is enough for shoulder length hair or about 2 to 4 root touch-ups
    • Two full sized kits are enough for mid back length hair
    • Three full sized kits are enough hip length hair
    *You may need more or less depending on the thickness and density of your hair. If you're unsure, please contact customer service and one of our staff will help you with your purchase.

    Ancient Sunrise Henna for Hair

    "Ancient Sunrise Henna for Hair" explores the art, science, techniques, and history of using henna, indigo, and cassia to dye hair. This book is a timely update of the previous book, "Henna for Hair" by Catherine Cartwright-Jones, to address the problem of the epidemic of para-phenylenediamine sensitization: the increasingly dangerous and widespread allergy to chemical hair dye. Separate chapter headings are listed below for your download convenience. Click on each chapter heading cover below to download each PDF file.

    We offer this book free of charge. You may download selected chapters or the entire book. We ask only that you respect our copyright and observe our terms of use. Please see the copyright and licensing information at the bottom of this page.

    Chapter 1 "Henna for Hair"

    This chapter discusses the risks of using chemical hair dye, and the epidemiology of millions of cases of hair dye allergy and introduces the solution for allergies to chemical hair dye andassociated chemical sensitivities.

    Chapter 5 "Plants that Dye Hair"

    This chapter discusses henna, indigo, and cassia, (lawsoniainermis, indigofera tinctoria , and cassia obovata) and the chemistry of each of these dye plants. Understanding the botany of these plants will help you understand how to get the best results from your henna hair dye.

    Chapter 7 "Mixing and Testing Your Henna Mix"

    This chapter discusses the mixing, dye release, formulation, and testing of a wide range of non-chemical permanent colors from henna, indigo, and cassia. This chapter includes step-by-step instructions to produce the color you want for your hair.

    Chapter 8 "How to Henna Your Hair"

    This chapter has step-by-step instructions for first time users dyeing hair blonde, red, brunette or black with henna indigo, and cassia.

    Chapter 9 "Gray Hair and Doing Your Roots"

    This chapter has step-by-step instructions for maintaining your gray roots as they grow in; dyeing them red,brunette, or black.

    Chapter 12 "Troubleshooting"

    This chapter provides answers to the most frequent questions from people who henna their hair; these include problems with hard water, slight adjustments in color, getting complete and permanent color, and the occasional surprise.

    Creative Commons License
    "Ancient Sunrise® Henna for Hair" by Catherine Cartwright-Jones PhD is licensed under a
    Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

    You may share information in this book online as long as you cite the source and post a link to this URL.
    You may not use this information on any commercial website or in any commercial publication.

    Citation format: Catherine Cartwright-Jones PhD. 2015. "Ancient Sunrise® Henna for Hair" TapDancing Lizard LLC.
    tapdancinglizard.com/AS_henna_for_hair/ Accessible also via hennaforhair.com, mehandi.com, and ancientsunrise.com


    Average Rating:
    ( 1 )
    Christine R from Woodbridge, NJ United States
    August 6, 2021
    Users found this review helpful:
    Love Love Love
    I have been using this kit for years! I love the color and my hair is so healthy! It fades out so naturally too! I became allergic to chemical hair dyes and I am actually happy about it because that's how I discovered Mehandi Henna. I tried another brand with poor results and a rash! Mehandi is the BEST! Thank you!!!
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