& Ancient Sunrise Monthly
January-February 2022
Catherine's Curiosities - Articles on henna and hair by Catherine Cartwright-Jones, PhD
Where does Ancient Sunrise henna come from?
India has seven climate regions, based on rainfall and temperature. Northern areas near the Himalayas are very cold, and southern areas are tropical. The east has heavy rainfalls and the west is dry. Each area has different agricultural practices reflecting these differences. Henna is an ideal crop for some regions, and impossible in others.
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Tips and Techniques
Ancient Sunrise: Before and After
See what happens when we help a customer switch from common boxed hair dye to an Ancient Sunrise henna dna indigo mix.
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From our blogs
Analysis of Products Marketed as Henna for Hair: Part Two
Many products labeled and sold as henna contain additional ingredients, either plant-based or synthetic. Products whose labels claim to be “100% natural� or who use similar terms often fail to disclose all ingredients. Many products are imported from countries whose regulations are less stringent or loosely enforced.
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A Comparison of Body Art Quality Henna Paste, Pre-Made Pastes, and “Black Henna�
A little while ago, I read a post by a henna artist on a social media site bemoaning that yet another person contacted her to say that henna was dangerous and that it would cause allergic reactions. This is not uncommon in the henna body art community. Henna paste for body art made from body art quality (BAQ) henna and other natural ingredients is completely safe. This person had most likely heard of the dangers of “black henna.�
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