I have medium brown hair, naturally, it's very thick too.I use around 350g of henna for this mix (I did have a bunch left over). I added an 18oz mug of double-bagged raspberry zinger tea that had steeped for about half an hour. After adding that I added grape juice (Welch's frozen 100% grape juice mixed with 3 cans warm water) until it was almost like slightly melty ice cream in consistency … then let the paste sit.I sat in the bathtub and slopped it on until all my hair was covered. I started at the top of my head and sectioned it. I, also, managed to get it all over my neck and shoulders. Wrap yourself with a shower cap and a large, dry towel. Let sit for 4 hours.Wash out as normal, adding lots of conditioner to get the henna loosened. Proceed to shampoo yourself.Sarah
To start, my hair was dyed Marilyn Monroe blonde with my brown roots showing. In the picture, which I took right after the second time, you can see it turned out light red in natural lighting, with black at the tips. After a few days it darkened, but only a little, so it pretty much looks like in the picture.
Here is how I did my hair, and the picture is attached:
First I mixed 1 cup of lemon juice with about 75 g of henna. Then I added a mild acidic kitchen mix. I left it to sit overnight, but Vermont being as it is, it was too cold for the dye to release, so I placed it on top of the heater for another six hours until the paper towel the plastic bag was sitting on started to stain.
My boyfriend applied about half of it to my short hair, with surprisingly little mess. I covered it in plastic and put a hair towel around my head. I left it on for around six hours, I was too impatient to leave it on for longer and we wanted to go out to a movie. Unfortunately it didn't quite get as dark as I would have liked it, so the next day I used the rest of the mix that I had put in the freezer and left it on my hair for another six hours. After it was red enough to my liking, I mixed up some indigo with warm water and used it to dye the tips and the back of my hair. I left it on for about an hour.
This was very messy and dripped since I couldn't really wrap it up or it would ruin the design. It also dried out a little and didn't dye as well, (it was green at first), so I also had to do the indigo twice. In retrospect, it probably would have been easier if I had used tin foil to seal the ends up and there wouldn't be blue spots on the bathroom floor! But after a few mistakes, it finally came out how I wanted it.
Sarah C.
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