Our Story

"Nothing but natural for your beautiful body"

Catherine Cartwright-Jones, PhD

Catherine Cartwright-Jones runs TapDancing Lizard ® LLC and the Henna Page site group, and is constantly renovating,rewriting, and expanding the sites to better serve the henna community and explore the diversity of henna history, traditions, art and science. Catherine is the owner, assisted by a team of workers, including several family members.

Catherine began seriously studying henna in 1990. She has been a professional artist since 1970, and holds a pictorial arts degree fromUCLA. She is has completed her masters and doctoral dissertation in the department of Geography at Kent State University, concentrating on the social and geographical aspects of the worldwide proliferation of henna usage.

Catherine has gone overseas the last several summers for research projects on henna's history and traditions, most recently on a research grant from the Iranian Heritage Foundation. She has lectured on henna at colleges, universities and museums, been a consultant on henna to the National Botanical gardens in Washington DC and the Royal Botanical Gardens in London. She has worked with Discovery Channel, BBC, Better Homes and Gardens, and National Geographic, as well as provided expert testimony on copyright law for henna artists in two USA federal court cases.

Catherine has written andpublished books and academic papers on henna. Some people believe her to be the worlds foremost scholar and researcher on henna, and she frequently appears on TV and in print as ahenna expert. Fortunately, no one in her family, certainly not herself, takes her anywhere near this seriously, otherwise she'd quickly become a tedious old cow. Otherwise, Catherine is "60-something", has been with her husband since 1968, and has two adult children, 4 cats and two pug dogs. She likes to cook but maintains a voluntary ineptitudefor housekeeping.

If you'd like to contact Catherine for media interviews, magazine or academic articles, lectures, consultancy, to provide expert legal testimony on henna...or to henna you ...email her for her CV and references. You can find Catherine's publication history on her LinkedIn page.

Contact Catherine Cartwright-Jones, PhD:

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