New Checkout Page

To improve your purchasing experience at, we've installed a new checkout system, including guest checkout so it's no longer necessary to have an account to make a purchase. We also have a new checkout page that will make the process more clear and easier to follow. If you have questions or problems with the new checkout or any other feature of our website, please contact Customer Service for assistance.

When you click the "Proceed to checkout" button in your shopping cart, this page will open and give you the choice of logging in, if you haven't already, checking out as a guest or checking out using PayPal.

After you make your choice, the "Shipping" tab on the checkout page will open. This is where you'll give us your address and and other contact information. Click the "Get Shipping Methods" button to choose how your order will be shipped.

Please note: At present, we are only offering USPS Priority through our website.
After you complete the information on this tab, click the "Next" button and the "Pay" tab will open for you to fill in your credit or debit card information and complete your purchase.

Fill in the information on the "Pay" tab and your order will be complete.

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