& Ancient Sunrise Monthly
October-November 2023
Catherine's Curiosities - Articles on henna and hair by Catherine Cartwright-Jones, PhD
Saint Cyprian referred to henna as "Devil's Grease" in “De Habitu Virginum� (On the Dress of Virgins).�
In the late the third century, when Cyprian I was the Bishop of Carthage (in present day Tunisia), the Roman Empire was in crisis. Christians were targets of attack for undermining Roman authority by resisting the imperial religion. Romans generally allowed people in their colonies to keep their religions, or hybridize their religions with the Roman imperial religion, as long as they dutifully sacrificed to Roman gods. Sacrifices to Roman gods implied the legitimacy of Roman rule, and were a crucial part of the Empire's social discipline and economy. Christian refusal to sacrifice to the Roman gods implied that they did not honor the legitimacy of the state, and were therefore a political threat to be publicly punished as an object lesson to the population. Rome did not vigorously persecute of Christian in Mauretania as they did in the empire capital.
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Tips and Techniques
Using RainwashThis video demonstrates using Ancient Sunrise Rainwash to help you get better color results when you henna your hair.
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Real People, Real Henna - How our customers use Ancient Sunrise
Each month, we present an article by one of our customers sharing their experience using Ancient Sunrise products. If you would like to be included in "Real People, Real Henna," contact our Customer Service staff for information..Paula H.
My natural hair color is a strawberry blonde, but have been experimenting with different colors for several years trying to find a color that was me. I was disappointed in over-the-counter hair dyes because they just didn't last and I was also becoming concerned about the effects all those chemicals they contain may have.
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From our blog
How to Prepare Your Hair Before Using Henna
People frequently ask what they should or should not do to their hair before applying henna. Does hair need to be clean, or left unwashed? Can it have conditioner on it? Should it be wet or dry? As henna works differently from conventional hair dyes and treatments, these questions are valid. This article will explain the best ways to prepare your hair for your henna treatment to obtain the best results.
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