&Ancient Sunrise Monthly
November 2017

The 2018 Henna Page Calendar

We produced the first Henna Page Calendar in 2006 and it's been an annual staple ever since. The thirteenth edition of the calendar features body art by a number of talented artists is different media, all of which are available through our Becoming Moonlight product line. You can find information about using Becoming Moonlight at and
The Henna Page Calendar is a free download at

Catherine's Curiosities
Articles on henna and hair by Catherine Cartwright-Jones, PhD

Head lice (Pediculus humanus capitis) have been itchy, contagious pests annoying humans for millennia, living in people’s hair and sucking their blood. Henna will kill head lice! One application of henna paste to the hair can kill head lice as well as killing the nits and nymphs without resorting to chemical treatments or shaving the head.
[Read more at:]

Tips and Techniques

Continuing with our theme of henna hair dye and your health, our head of inventory, Michelle Marino comments on her experience with making the transition from commercial chemical hair dye to using Ancient Sunrise products.

Henna was not my first choice to dye my hair, mostly because the people I saw using henna had orange hair. Not my best look. Before I started working at Mehandi, a friend introduced me to the Ancient Sunrise Rajasthani Twilight Henna products. She uses the Ancient Sunrise Rajasthani Twilight Henna and her hair is a beautiful red, not orange at all.
[Read more at:]

From our blogs
Fall is upon us. For many, this means sniffling, sneezing, headaches, and itchy eyes. Some people who are sensitive to hay fever and seasonal allergies may notice that they are affected when mixing their henna for hair, while it is on their head, or after it is rinsed out. This is far from serious, and easy to fix. If this sounds like you, keep reading to learn what may be happening and how to avoid experiencing discomfort in the future.
[Read more at:

You may have seen images of beautiful henna-style body art done in white, silver, gold, or other colors. This technique is often referred to as “white henna,� and has gained popularity in both regions where henna is traditionally used, and in western societies. “White henna� is an interesting new twist on traditional henna. It’s great for formal looks in weddings or events, as well as casual summertime adornment.
[Read more at:

Finding your way at

We do our best to make it easy for you to find whatever you're looking for. Our new site has built-in search. You can find the search bar at the upper right of every page. And we've added a sitemap with a link to every product on our site. If you still need help finding the exact item you need, you can always talk to our Customer Service staff.

A word about shipping
Our shipping charges are calculated automatically on our website. However, if the shipping charge on your order seems high, call our Customer Service team 855-MEHANDI (855-634-2634) or 330-673-0600. They might be able to arrange a lower shipping price for you. They'll also be happy to help you with any questions you have about your order or using our products.

Here's where to find Ancient Sunrise
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