April-May 2021 Newsletter

Mehandi.com & Ancient Sunrise Monthly
April-May 2021

Catherine's Curiosities - Articles on henna and hair by Catherine Cartwright-Jones, PhD

'Id al-adha: Sacrifice and henna traditions - Ramadan Id al-Fitr and Id al-Adha have similar celebrations that involve marking people and animals with henna. Through Ramadan, henna is not applied until the last day, the first sighting of the new moon; henna is regarded as joyful and festive, and Ramadan values solemnity and abstinence. The sacrificial animals such as goats and sheep are stained with henna in parallel to people. Even a beloved dog or horse may be hennaed, a pony or donkey giving rides at a children's festival may be hennaed. The henna patterns used for both Ids are simple, because women are so busy with feasts and guests that they have no time for complex henna patterns on their hands.

Read or download the PDF:http://www.hennapage.com/henna/encyclopedia/id/Id.pdf

Tips and Techniques

Color Brushes - The old saying "Get the right tool for the job applies when choosing a color brush.

View the video: https://vimeo.com/535597122

From our blogs

Finding time to Henna - You’ve planned out your morning and it’s the perfect time to henna…except *screams in horror* you forgot to mix up your paste ahead of time! Whether it’s work, parenting, your lifestyle, or all of the above, finding time to henna can feel difficult, but it doesn’t have to be. You’ve got enough going on; read below to find ways to make henna fit into busy schedule.

Read more:https://www.ancientsunrise.blog/finding-time-to-henna/

A Love Song of Pomegranates

They say to look for onethat feels heavier than it appears.I test each fruitin the palm of my hand,feeling for the weightof its buried gems.

Read more:http://www.becomingmoonlight.blog/2018/02/14/a-love-song-of-pomegranates/